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Showing posts from September, 2020

When assessing bilingual students, teachers must use a variety of...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 6 DQ 1 When assessing bilingual students, teachers must use a variety of assessments to capture an accurate snapshot of academic and language progress. What are some ways teachers can assess students in the bilingual classroom to include all four domains of language (reading, writing, listening, and speaking)? Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 6 DQ 2 How do state English language learner proficiency tests, such as the AZELLA (Arizona) or the WIDA (other states), guide data-informed decision-making? How might t   hese test results affect lesson planning? Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style.   Download File Now    

The goal of this assignment is to analyze approaches to assessing biliteracy...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: The goal of this assignment is to analyze approaches to assessing biliteracy in P-12 bilingual settings. The analysis will include an exploration of what, when, and how specific types of assessment can be used to enhance literacy learning in the bilingual classroom. Complete the “Bilingual Assessment Chart.” Explain what each assessment could measure, when to use each assessment, and how to use each assessment in a P-12 bilingual classroom. Include a reference page with at least 3-5 sources from your research that support your reasoning. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become fam

The Common Core and state standards press for greater content area literacy.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 5 DQ 1 The Common Core and state standards press for greater content area literacy. As a bilingual educator, how might you promote content area literacy in both languages? What effective content area strategies are you seeing in your practicum setting? How might you ensure students are successful in content area testing at the state level?  Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 5 DQ 2 Cummins (1994) has noted that students must develop Cognitive/Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) to succeed in content area classrooms. Consider one grade level (P-12) and one content area (e.g., mathematics, science, social studies, English language arts, music, etc.) you teach or intend to teach. Explain three important terms students need to know in the content area. Explain how you might embed these terms into a lesson plan. Provide your response in 2

For this benchmark, develop a content area lesson plan to be used for an age group of...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: For this benchmark, develop a content area lesson plan to be used for an age group of English language learners (ELLs) of your choice. Be sure to specify the grade level for which your lesson is intended. The lesson should focus on a specific content area while also integrating biliteracy-related activities and materials. Content areas may include, but are not limited to, social studies, science, and math. If it is possible, teach or co-teach the lesson to students in the clinical field experience setting. If it is not possible, present and teach the lesson plan to the classroom teacher and receive feedback on the lesson. Use the SIOP lesson plan template, located on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center, to complete this assignment. Select the content area and English language proficiency standards and objectives based on the needs of the specific age group of students that you have

Culturally relevant texts are important in bilingual settings.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 4 DQ 1 Culturally relevant texts are important in bilingual settings. Explain why. Outline one specific technique you might use to integrate a culturally diverse text into a bilingual classroom. Consider your practicum classroom if possible. Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 4 DQ 2 Text selection is an opportunity to address diversity and provide differentiated learning in bilingual settings. Identify one informational non-fiction text and one fiction text that emphasizes the perspectives of students in a bilingual classroom. Provide the following in your response for the two texts: The book title and author’s name A 50 word summary of the text The perspective emphasized in the text The benefit of the book in a bilingual setting Cite any sources used in APA Style.   Download File Now    

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and articulate the importance of...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze and articulate the importance of using culturally relevant texts in multiple languages in the P-12 bilingual classroom. Through this analysis, the student will describe select content from texts, as well as strategies to incorporate the text into a standards-based literacy lesson. Complete the “Culturally Relevant Texts Chart” for five texts of your choice, which includes: Title of text Author Language Used Appropriate Grade Level Summary Strategy Language Proficiency Standard The chart will identify one specific instructional strategy you would use to teach each of the selected texts in a P-12 bilingual classroom. Each strategy should align with a language proficiency standard from your state. In a 750-1,000 word essay, explain how you would incorporate each of these resources into your teaching. Include 3-5 sources from your resear

Identify one specific strategy from your readings that you plan to use to engage...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 3 DQ 1 Identify one specific strategy from your readings that you plan to use to engage bilingual students and promote literacy development in both first and second languages. Explain the strategy in depth. Describe the type of setting and students that this strategy would most benefit. TSL 552 TOPIC 3 DQ 2 The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) is a research-based model of instruction for English language learners. Components of the model include: Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review and Assessment Describe a standards-based lesson you might teach in a bilingual classroom. Analyze how you would include each of the eight SIOP model components in that lesson. Provide your response in 250 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style.   Download Fi

The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to analyze the needs of a...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: The purpose of this assignment is to encourage students to analyze the needs of a single student in a bilingual setting. Through this analysis, students will be able to describe methods and strategies for biliteracy development, as well as articulate how to support the literacy needs of the individual student. Complete the “Needs Assessment of Student” for a particular student in a bilingual setting to complete this assignment. Use a student from a school that you are involved with for your practicum/field experience. If it is not possible to work with a student in this capacity, choose an English language learner from the “Class Profile” document. Include a 250-500 word rationale with your Needs Assessment that articulates specific methods and strategies that address the biliteracy needs of the selected student. Include 3-5 sources from your research that support your rationale. One reference could incl

Consider the dual language programs described in your required...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 2 DQ 1 Consider the dual language programs described in your required reading, including transitional program models, maintenance and enrichment programs, and immersion programs. Identify each model’s advantages and disadvantages. Between the three primary types of programs, which do you think is most beneficial and why? Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 2 DQ 2 Identify a program or programs in your state or district that promote biliteracy. Describe the program, including its features, goals/outcomes, and teacher roles or expectations. Provide a link to the program websites if possible. Provide your response in 200 or more words. Cite any sources used in APA Style.   Download File Now    

The assignment will also allow the student to explore curricular and...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a bilingual instructional program in a community of interest.  Through analysis of the program, the student will be able to differentiate between the program of interest and other bilingual education programs. The assignment will also allow the student to explore curricular and instructional methodologies for bilingual instruction. Create a 500-750 word newsletter that could be sent home to students’ parents describing the curriculum, instruction, and other activities at a bilingual instruction program in your community. Your newsletter should include: An analysis and description of how the program supports and enhances biliteracy Specific and effective strategies Suggestions about how parents can foster progress toward biliteracy at home Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position. One scholarly reference could includ

This assignment is intended to help students analyze key concepts and terminology related to...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: This assignment is intended to help students analyze key concepts and terminology related to literacy and biliteracy in P-12 bilingual settings while also exploring appropriate, effective techniques for embedding biliteracy into P-12 bilingual classrooms. Create a 10-15 slide digital presentation on literacy n bilingual settings in digital format (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi) to be presented at a faculty meeting or to be shared with your mentor teacher. Your presentation should include the following: The definition of literacy Key terminology related to literacy in bilingual settings The effect of culture on literacy in bilingual settings The effect of related literacy domains, including reading, writing, listening, speaking, and language on bilingual settings At least four research-based strategies or techniques teachers can use to embed biliteracy into P-12 biling

From your required readings, identify one theory or concept related to...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 TOPIC 1 DQ 1 Literacy involves more than just reading and writing. It also includes speaking, listening, and facility with digital media. With this definition in mind, what are some techniques you might use to bring literacy into preschool through 12 th  grade bilingual classrooms?  Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 From your required readings, identify one theory or concept related to biliteracy or second language acquisition/development. How does this theory relate to the work you currently are doing or want to do with second language students? Identify and explain one technique that can be used to support language acquisition/development and literacy in a preschool through 12 th  grade bilingual classroom. Your response should be 200 or more words. Cite at least one source using APA Style.   Download File Now    

Literacy involves more than just reading and writing. It also includes...

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 552 FULL COURSE DISCUSSIONS GCU TSL 552 TOPIC 1 DQ 1 Literacy involves more than just reading and writing. It also includes speaking, listening, and facility with digital media. With this definition in mind, what are some techniques you might use to bring literacy into preschool through 12 th  grade bilingual classrooms?  Cite any sources used in APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 From your required readings, identify one theory or concept related to biliteracy or second language acquisition/development. How does this theory relate to the work you currently are doing or want to do with second language students? Identify and explain one technique that can be used to support language acquisition/development and literacy in a preschool through 12 th  grade bilingual classroom. Your response should be 200 or more words. Cite at least one source using APA Style. TSL 552 TOPIC 2 DQ 1 Consider the dual lan