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Showing posts from July, 2020

Specify the grade level, content area, and other pertinent information regarding your intended students.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: Choose a learning activity that you have observed or utilized in your teaching. Using the “Revised Activity Template” and based on your required readings and what you have learned in this course, specify how you would revise this activity to incorporate cultural responsiveness. For this assignment you should: Specify the grade level, content area, and other pertinent information regarding your intended students. List the type of literature or other educational materials and technology that would be needed to best facilitate this revision. Include a detailed description of your newly revised learning activity and how it would be carried out in the identified educational setting. Include a 250-500 word reflection regarding how you could integrate cultural responsiveness into your teaching throughout your career. Provide examples. While APA format is not required for the b

Why is fair-minded critical thinking necessary in multicultural teaching?

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 6 DQ 1 How can teachers help students identify biases, stereotypes, and omissions in literature, media, and curriculum? TSL 550 TOPIC 6 DQ 2 Why is fair-minded critical thinking necessary in multicultural teaching?   Download File Now

What is the relationship between parental involvement and student achievement?

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 5 DQ 1 What is the relationship between parental involvement and student achievement? TSL 550 TOPIC 5 DQ 2 Many times teachers struggle to make contact with parents to share a student’s academic success, academic struggles, and behavioral issues.  What are three methods you utilize when you cannot make contact with a parent?   Download File Now

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: Create a family engagement plan in digital format (e.g., PowerPoint, Prezi) that could be presented to administrators at the school in which you have been involved. This nine-month plan should ensure school administrators that you will (1) teach curricula that are free of culturally irresponsible content; (2) engage the families of your ELLs by developing communication methods between their homes and your school; and (3) provide resources that would be useful for your ELLs and their families in your community. Your plan should include: Examples of culturally responsible multicultural or other educational items that will be used in more than one content area throughout the school year. Specific plans for at least four seasonal events (two each semester) that will engage the families of your ELLs in shared learning experiences. Provide details regarding how your events will be promot

The title and brief description of each of the resources or websites.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 4 INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY INTO MULTICULTURAL EDUCATION Spend time making observations in at least one classroom that services students for whom English is an additional language in a Title 1, bilingual, or dual language immersion setting. Let your mentors know that you will be observing the learning environment and educational materials for evidence of multicultural elements as well as examples of the integration of culture in the teaching. Based on your observations, create a table that includes five technological resources that could be used to enhance teaching within a multicultural educational setting. You may use the “Technology Resource Template” to complete this assignment. Include the following: The title and brief description of each of the resources or websites;  Links to the resources that you would integrate into your teaching; Rationale for each resource that expla

Guidelines for cultural differences are discussed in your required reading.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 4 DQ 1 Explain why incorporating technology in alignment with multicultural education is relevant in K-12 education. Include in your response how utilizing technology can assist students in identifying with individuals who have made contributions in education, science, math, history, technology, and how this makes school relevant. TSL 550 TOPIC 4 DQ 2 Guidelines for cultural differences are discussed in your required reading. Which were you aware of and which ones were you not aware of?  Why is this knowledge beneficial to teachers? Download File Now

At least three ways in which you will communicate academic goals with parents.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: Complete the “Needs Assessment” for a school that you are involved with. Based on your findings from the Needs Assessment, create a 12-15 slide PowerPoint that you could use to inform your colleagues about your research-based ideas to improve the educational outcomes of the students at your school. Your PowerPoint presentation should include: A summary of the data complied regarding math and English proficiency levels; At least three research-based strategies to strengthen core academics in math and English and how they would be utilized; At least three ways in which you will communicate academic goals with parents; At least three examples from the research that correlates family engagement with higher learning outcomes and how these could be implemented. Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position. Submit the completed “Needs Assessmen

How can this knowledge affect your relationships with students and their family?

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 3 DQ 1 Define assimilation, pluralism, and suppression and provide an example of each.  How can this knowledge affect your relationships with students and their family? TSL 550 TOPIC 3 DQ 2 From Table 12.1 Debunking Common Myths about English Language Learners (ELLs) in the textbook, choose one myth, share the reality, and defend the reality with real-life examples. Include at least one scholarly source to support your position.   Download File Now

Provide an example of research-supported cultural bias within the curriculum.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: Analyze educational materials used to teach ELLs at a school that you are involved with. Look for examples of cultural bias within the curriculum. Write a persuasive letter to the state department of education regarding bias, culture, and learning styles within your school curriculum. Address the following in your letter: Provide an example of research-supported cultural bias within the curriculum. Explain how this bias may negatively affect the test scores of ELLs. Express the need for educational materials to be free of such bias. Briefly describe Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences as context for a rationale of taking multiple intelligences into consideration when designing curricula. Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-

What should instructors do to address this type of bias when it is encountered?

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 2 DQ 1 What is the relationship between the language spoken in the home and the rate at which an additional language is learned? TSL 550 TOPIC 2 DQ 2 Provide an example of gender bias that has been fostered in an English language learning environment. What should instructors do to address this type of bias when it is encountered?   Download File Now

Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: Select three current events that have implications regarding racism, stereotyping, or discrimination. In a 750-1,000 word essay, briefly describe these events and how they could possibly affect learning in an environment in which English is being taught as an additional language. Include an explanation as to how these events could be framed within this learning environment and how they could be integrated into the context of a lesson. Identify some practices that teachers could engage in that would promote a safe and positive learning environment throughout the school year. Include 3-5 sources from your research to support your position. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completio

Historical events are often summarized too succinctly in textbooks.

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 TOPIC 1 DQ 1 Why is it important for teachers to understand the theories of ethnic identity that were presented in your required reading? TSL 550 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 Historical events are often summarized too succinctly in textbooks. How could the exclusion of racially relevant details contribute to racism, stereotyping, or discrimination?   Download File Now

Why is it important for teachers to understand the theories of ethnic identity that were presented in your required reading?

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: TSL 550 FULL COURSE DISCUSSIONS GCU TSL 550 TOPIC 1 DQ 1 Why is it important for teachers to understand the theories of ethnic identity that were presented in your required reading? TSL 550 TOPIC 1 DQ 2 Historical events are often summarized too succinctly in textbooks. How could the exclusion of racially relevant details contribute to racism, stereotyping, or discrimination? TSL 550 TOPIC 2 DQ 1 What is the relationship between the language spoken in the home and the rate at which an additional language is learned? TSL 550 TOPIC 2 DQ 2 Provide an example of gender bias that has been fostered in an English language learning environment. What should instructors do to address this type of bias when it is encountered? TSL 550 TOPIC 3 DQ 1 Define assimilation, pluralism, and suppression and provide an example of each.  How can this knowledge affect your relationships with students and their famil