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Discussions GCU MGT 410 Topic 2

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MGT 410 Topic 2 Discussions GCU

MGT 410 Topic 2 DQ 1

Review the seven different emphases of servant leadership in Chapter 3 of the textbook. Which emphasis was most divergent from your view about servant leadership and which was most convergent? Explain your response.

MGT 410 Topic 2 DQ 2

You just completed the first topic in your PSC-410 or MGT-410 class. You are excited about what you have learned so far. You try to share your excitement with your supervisor and tell him/her you are taking a servant leadership class. His/her response is, “Servant leadership is overrated. You can’t get any real work done that way, you know. Coddling people and being a soft leader will not get you very far.” You brush off the remark but decide to revisit the subject with him/her later because you believe he/she has the wrong view about servant leadership. How do you think you would approach your supervisor on the subject? What should you say?



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