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Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 8

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 8 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 8 DQ 1 In order to identify a target demographic for a credit card, your analysis results show that you will only receive a high initial return by marketing to low-income families with a high debt-to-income ratio. The data also state that those in this demographic tend to lose their homes after their debt-to-income ratio goes above the point to which you are planning to market. Should you market to this group knowing this information? What are potential implications in either case? MIS 600 Topic 8 DQ 2 Identify a current event involving the perception of unethical data storage or data management. Describe why the perception potentially exists and whether or not you agree. Download Now

Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 7

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 7 Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 7 Strategic Plan for Becoming an Analytics-Driven Organization – Final Draft You and your team are now ready to preset to the executive team of the company including the president. The general purpose of the presentation is to convey strategies for using data analytics to help drive the marketing and sales of the company. Essentially, the president wants to use data analytics to improve the company’s bottom line and establish competitive advantage. There are many principles to consider as a part of adopting analytics into the organization. There are also several aspects of the company that must be addressed as a part of the strategic plan. In addition to the 6-8 PowerPoint slides created in Topic 2 and the 8-10 slides in Topic 4, you must finalize your presentation with an additional 6-7 PowerPoint slides including speaker notes that address the poin

Discussions GCU Topic 7 MIS 600

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 7 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 7 DQ 1 Describe the types of stereotyping that can occur in sales/marketing analysis. What preventative steps can a business take to prevent automatic marketing promotions based on analytics? MIS 600 Topic 7 DQ 2 In many instances, the ways in which organizations state how the customer’s personal information will be used is in small print on annual privacy notices. Discuss the ethical implications of this format and frequency. Download Now

Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 6

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 6 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 6 DQ 1 What is the difference between internal and external security? Why is this important to understand the differences? Compare external security measures across two companies outside of your industry. MIS 600 Topic 6 DQ 2 Besides writing codes for hackers, what are some other security considerations companies should make to secure their data? Download Now

Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 4

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 4 Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 4 Strategic Plan for Becoming an Analytics-Driven Organization – Draft 2 As you lead the newly-formed team that has been appointed to create a strategic plan for utilizing data analytics to help drive the marketing and sales of the company, you identify that there are several specific components missing from the current proposal. In this revision of the plan, you will need to incorporate an additional 8-10 PowerPoint slides including speaker notes that address the points below. Utilize the readings in Topics 2-4 to support points of the plan and conduct further research as needed. Include the following: State effective strategies for validating and reporting data. Identify methods for managing data that ensure accuracy, efficiency, and integrity. Identify the correlations between big data, marketing, and sales. Describe the situations when each o

CLC Security Response Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 6

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 6 CLC  Security Response Plan GCU This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment. Data breaches are commonplace in businesses. In spite of various kinds of software, tools, and other resources used to secure data, the potential for internal and external threats still exist. However, the degree by which data breaches can affect an organization and its customers depends greatly on the response plan the organization has in place to address potential threats. Neglecting to have a plan or having a plan that is inadequate can affect the brand and reputation of the business as well as negatively influence the confidence and loyalty of the customers. As a result, for this assignment you will work in a group to create a security response plan that helps detect threats to data and identify procedures across the organization that will help minimize or contain potential damage. For t

Project Management Paper GCU MIS 600 Topic 5

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 5 Project Management Paper GCU You work for a large beverage distribution company and you are managing the “Milk or no Milk” project, which involves a redesign of the milk container for your company. You have several things to consider in order to complete the project successfully. Most generally, you will need to factor both the functional and nonfunctional requirements of the project. Complete a 750-1,000 word proposal that identifies the appropriate stakeholders, defines the requirements for the stakeholders, and states the rationale for the requirements. Also, identify the business requirements across the organization so that the data can be properly validated. Some of the functional requirements to consider are the business rules, industry rules, legal or regulatory requirements, and certification requirements. Some of the nonfunctional requirements to consider are performance (i.e

Discussions GCU Topic 5 MIS 600

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 5 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 5 DQ 1 Why do you think requirements would be important to every request? How could incorrect or missing requirements affect the business? MIS 600 Topic 5 DQ 2 Why is it important to correctly identify stakeholders? What could the impact be if a stakeholder was incorrectly identified or left out? Download Now

Strategic Plan GCU Topic 4 MIS 600

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 4 Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 4 Strategic Plan for Becoming an Analytics-Driven Organization – Draft 2 As you lead the newly-formed team that has been appointed to create a strategic plan for utilizing data analytics to help drive the marketing and sales of the company, you identify that there are several specific components missing from the current proposal. In this revision of the plan, you will need to incorporate an additional 8-10 PowerPoint slides including speaker notes that address the points below. Utilize the readings in Topics 2-4 to support points of the plan and conduct further research as needed. Include the following: State effective strategies for validating and reporting data. Identify methods for managing data that ensure accuracy, efficiency, and integrity. Identify the correlations between big data, marketing, and sales. Describe the situations when ea

Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 4

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 4 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 4 DQ 1 What is the value of descriptive analytics as the initial step in the process? Could this step occur later if necessary? Why or why not? MIS 600 Topic 4 DQ 2 Describe the potential of predictive analytics, in theory, conveying a story with absolute certainty. Download Now

Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 3

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 3 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 3 DQ 1 What is the difference between databases and data warehouses? Why is this distinction important? How much information do you think you are providing to the big data warehouses on a daily basis? Please provide some examples (e.g., Fry’s shopping card, Google searches, downloading apps, etc.). MIS 600 Topic 3 DQ 2 After reading “The Field Guide to Data Science,” how you would describe the field of data science and what it means to current society? Also, provide at least two enlightening points from the guide. Be sure to cite the source in order to support your perspective. Download Now

Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 2

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 2 Strategic Plan GCU MIS 600 Topic 2 Strategic Plan for Becoming an Analytics-Driven Organization – Initial Draft The president of a small firm is eager to use data analytics to improve the company’s bottom line and establish competitive advantage. He is aware of your previous professional experience working with analytics. As a result, he has appointed you as the leader of a newly formed team tasked with using data analytics to help drive the marketing and sales of the company. This team must present the strategic plan to the executive team. There are many principles to consider as a part of adopting analytics into the organization. Additionally, there are several aspects of the company that must be addressed as a part of the strategic plan. Complete the requirements listed below in order to create a PowerPoint presentation of 6-8 slides, including speaker notes. Utilize the readings

Root Cause Analysis Diagram GCU Topic 2 MIS 600

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 2 Root Cause Analysis Diagram GCU There are many possible causes for a problem. In some instances, the origin of an issue may seem minor and can lie deeply within an organization. A problem may also have a variety of effects for the development and sustainability of an organization. As a result, in order for a company to begin strategizing a solution for managing data, it has to first identify the root cause or potential causes of a problem. For this assignment, identify an organization that has had a major issue with storing or managing data. This would require either online research in order to identify an organization that has received local or national attention for this issue, or a personal familiarity with a particular organization with which you have worked in some capacity. In either instance, the issue described will be identified as a problem or an effect. Once the existing ou

Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 2

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 2 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 2 DQ 1 Why is data integrity important to the field of analytics? Compare at least two methods for data management that will prevent lapses in data integrity. MIS 600 Topic 2 DQ 2 What are some best practices in the medical field for storing and managing data? Can the practices in the medical field be applied to other industries? Provide rationale for your stance. Download Now

Envisioning an Analytics GCU MIS 600 Topic 1

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 1 Envisioning an Analytics GCU MIS 600 Topic 1 Envisioning an Analytics-Driven Organization Paper As discussed in the readings for this topic, there are several elements that affect the success of an analytics-driven organization. Some of the elements include people, systems, or other resources. For this assignment, you will analyze your current organization (or refer to a previous place of employment or create a hypothetical organization) and determine the role of evidence-based data in the decision-making process for the business. In a 250-500 word paper, describe the ways in which the organization you identified has utilized or will utilize the talent and resources to develop an analytics-driven organization. Identify the strategies used by the leaders of the organization in order to leverage data as a strategic asset for an organization. Lastly, be sure to describe what the vision

Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 1

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Topic 1 Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 1 DQ 1 Why is data important to business? What are some industries that use big data for decision making? MIS 600 Topic 1 DQ 2 Describe the role that big data plays in at least two industries. Provide the names of the specific companies as examples. Download Now

Full Course GCU MIS 600

Just Click on Below Link To Download This Course: MIS 600 Full Course GCU MIS 600 Full Course Discussions GCU MIS 600 Topic 1 DQ 1 Why is data important to business? What are some industries that use big data for decision making? MIS 600 Topic 1 DQ 2 Describe the role that big data plays in at least two industries. Provide the names of the specific companies as examples. MIS 600 Topic 2 DQ 1 Why is data integrity important to the field of analytics? Compare at least two methods for data management that will prevent lapses in data integrity. MIS 600 Topic 2 DQ 2 What are some best practices in the medical field for storing and managing data? Can the practices in the medical field be applied to other industries? Provide rationale for your stance. MIS 600 Topic 3 DQ 1 What is the difference between databases and data warehouses? Why is this distinction important? How much information do you think you are providing to the big data ware