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Showing posts from August, 2019

Provide a rationale for your rating scheme.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 11 DISCUSSION “Sum It Up” Please respond to the following: Provide two (2) examples that demonstrate a change in your theories of financial accounting for managers since the beginning of this course. Rate the three (3) most important concepts that you have learned in this course in order of importance (one [1] being the most important; three [3], the least). Provide a rationale for your rating scheme. Download File Now

Provide a rationale for your response.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 10 DISCUSSION “Extraordinary Items and Ratio Analysis” Please respond to the following: Choose at least two (2) items or events that you would consider to be extraordinary to a company. Propose the manner in which you would disclose these items or events to investors. Justify your response. Determine the two (2) financial ratios that you believe to be the most important indicators of financial health for a company. Predict two (2) positive or two (2) negative financial outcomes should the chosen ratios change dramatically from one year to another. Provide a rationale for your response. Download File Now

Provide a rationale for your response.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 9 DISCUSSION “Cash Flows” Please respond to the following: Outline a strategy for companies to spend excess cash and maximize the value of that spend. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, compare and contrast the selected company’s statement of cash flows to its income statement. Suggest at least two (2) items from each statement that investors should analyze when deciding whether or not to purchase the company’s stock. Justify your response. Download File Now

Analyze the most common responsibility reporting systems.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 8 DISCUSSION “Budgeting” Please respond to the following: Analyze the major pros and cons of preparing company budgets. Determine at least two (2) critical budget items that you believe are essential in managing a company. Provide a rationale for your response. Analyze the most common responsibility reporting systems. From your analysis, argue at least one (1) pro and one (1) con of using responsibility reporting systems. Download File Now

Justify your response.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 7 DISCUSSION “Liabilities” Please respond to the following: Hypothesize a scenario in which one could intentionally misstate liabilities for his or her personal financial gain. Recommend two (2) actions that companies can take to prevent or detect intentional misstatements of liabilities for personal financial gain. Justify your response. From the e-Activity, imagine that you are advising an investor who is considering purchasing bonds from the selected company. Analyze the types of bonds the chosen company issues and make a recommendation to the investor as to which type of bond would provide the most value. Justify your response. Download File Now

Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a startup airline company.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 6 DISCUSSION “Plant Assets” Please respond to the following: Imagine that you are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a startup airline company. The executive management team has tasked you with making a recommendation about whether the company should buy or lease airplanes. Analyze the major pros and cons for leasing and buying assets. Based on your analysis, provide a recommendation to the executive team. Compare and contrast the three (3) methods for depreciating plant assets. Recommend the method that maximizes profits for both a shorter period of time and a longer period of time. Download File Now

Examine the five (5) steps to managing accounts receivable.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 5 DISCUSSION “Accounts Receivable Management” Please respond to the following: Examine the five (5) steps to managing accounts receivable. Speculate on the step that is most vulnerable to fraud. Suggest at least two (2) actions that a company can take in order to protect this step from fraud. Imagine that your company has tasked you with developing a plan for factoring accounts receivables. Create one (1) scenario that demonstrates the key benefits and / or detriments to your company from factoring accounts receivable. Download File Now

Suggest the approach you would take to sell this program to your senior executives.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 4 DISCUSSION “Internal Controls” Please respond to the following: Imagine that a coworker wants to circumvent an internal control to steal money from your company. Speculate on two (2) internal controls that your coworker might attempt to circumvent in order to steal the money. Recommend two (2) actions that the company could take in order to prevent the theft. Outline an anti-fraud program that you would implement at your company (current or previous). Suggest the approach you would take to sell this program to your senior executives. Provide a rationale for your response. Download File Now

Suggest which type of income statement a retailer should use.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 3 DISCUSSION “Accounting for Inventories” Please respond to the following: Suggest which type of income statement a retailer should use. Defend your suggestion. Analyze inventory valuation methods discussed in the textbook. Based on your analysis, recommend the most accurate valuation method that reflects current economic conditions. Provide a rationale for your recommendation. Download File Now

Create a brief (one [1] paragraph) plan for committing the fraud.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 2 DISCUSSION “Accounting Systems and Accruals” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, examine the greatest threats to a computerized accounting system. Suggest two (2) preventive measures or remedies to protect the system and / or mitigate negative impact to the system. Provide a rationale for your response. Pretend that you are a criminal and want to commit fraud by altering your company’s accruals. Create a brief (one [1] paragraph) plan for committing the fraud. Predict the major potential resulting damage to the company’s financial statements from the fraud.   Download File Now

From the e-Activity, analyze Apple’s most recent financial statements.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: WEEK 1 DISCUSSION “Financial Statements” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze Apple’s most recent financial statements. Based on your analysis, predict whether Apple’s financial health will likely improve or deteriorate over the next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, examine Apple’s statement of cash flows. Recommend at least two (2) actions that Apple could take in order to maximize the use of its cash flows. Provide a rationale for your response. Download File Now

From the e-Activity, examine the greatest threats to a computerized accounting system.

Downloading is very simple, You can Download this Course here: STRAYER ACC556 WEEK 1 DISCUSSION LATEST WEEK 1 DISCUSSION “Financial Statements” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, analyze Apple’s most recent financial statements. Based on your analysis, predict whether Apple’s financial health will likely improve or deteriorate over the next five (5) years. Provide a rationale for your response. From the e-Activity, examine Apple’s statement of cash flows. Recommend at least two (2) actions that Apple could take in order to maximize the use of its cash flows. Provide a rationale for your response. STRAYER ACC556 WEEK 2 DISCUSSION LATEST WEEK 2 DISCUSSION “Accounting Systems and Accruals” Please respond to the following: From the e-Activity, examine the greatest threats to a computerized accounting system. Suggest two (2) preventive measures or remedies to protect the s